Beatitude Six
                                          Blessed (well off) are the clean of heart, for they will see God.
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Jesus makes it very clear that there are different levels of meaning in the word, “see.”  He condemns those persons who, while physically able to see the poor, did not really respond to help those with physical or mental needs, those who needed a kind word of encouragement, or those who were suffering in other ways. These individuals were “blind” because they had judged the value and worth of others according to their own standards, not by God’s.  

Our hearts must be clean.  This means we must not identify the purpose of life to some current view promoted by others, but rather, upon the real meaning of Christ’s message which is that of his Father who created the world. 

Christ’s message is his father’s message of love toward all.  After all, did Christ not show the depth of this love when he took on our human nature,  allow himself to suffer horribly at the hands of evil men and then be killed?  Throughout his life he told us repeatedly and then demonstrated the depth of both his and his Father’s love for us.

He expects us to be examples and  or preach his message daily through our lives and in our dealings with others.